According to some unconfirmed reports, Apple is trying its best to waterproof the nest iPhone 7. Even though, iPhone 6s is already more water-resistant than any of its predecessors, the device is not fully waterproof.
Apple has had several patents in stored on different techniques protecting a device’s internal parts from coming in contact with water, including ways to eliminate liquid from ports and openings, and methods of automatically sealing potential waterways when not in use. Now Apple may combine all these patents with a new area they are exploring: self-healing technology for ports.
Business Insider unearthed a new patent application titled Electronic Device with Hidden Connectorthat contained details of various technology that would automatically seal an opening, like a USB port or a headphone port. That is, after insertion of headphones and USB connectors into their respective ports and regular usage, the ports would contain self-healing elastomers that would expand and seal the entry the moment the connector is removed.
Assuming water doesn’t get into the port before the elastomer completed the self-healing process, the device should be safe and totally waterproof.
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